Medical District
You decide to forage medical supplies at the nearby hospital. You slink through the allies, carefully avoiding the dangers which carouse the streets. After an hour of travel, you reach your destination. The building remains in decent condition. The gray is stained from decay and ivy grows in between the decomposing bricks. The top 3 floors appear to have caved in but the rest of the building seems to still be structurally sound. The many windows which populate the outside of the hospital remain intact but are fogged and opaque from the years of neglect. Unfortunately, you can’t see inside them. You locate what used to be the front entrance of the building and to your dismay it has collapsed. What was once a concrete awning held together by brick pillars only a single story high has now collapsed into a pile of rubble, blocking access to the doors leading into the main library. Determined to find another way inside, you decide to find another way inside.