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Climb Rubble



You slowly begin traversing the rubble blocking your entrance, testing each bit as you go to ensure its stability. As you reach the top you see yourself at level with some of the second-story windows. You ascertain that you should be able to proceed through one of them.

You test the window and find that it has rusted shut from years of decay. Determined to make your way in you place one hand upon the brick wall to steady yourself and give the glass a hard kick. With a loud shatter the glass crumbles inwards revealing the remnants of an examination room. You step inside, carefully avoiding the bits of glass which now litter the floor and counters. Using the light from the newly exposed window you search around the room. You rummage through the various cabinets and manage to find a few unused bandages and some rubbing alcohol. You exit the room through the only door and find yourself in a dark corridor. You close your eyes and focus on your breaths as you extend your consciousness inwards searching for your spirit familiar's spark. As you reach out for it you extend your hand and in it summon a glowing orb. As its light fills the dark hallway you can’t help but notice the shadows curl around you and shift forming a dark bubble in which you glow in the center, surrounded by a sea of darkness. Facing out from the door frame, you examine your surroundings and suspect that you are in the middle of the main hallway.


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An adventure brought to you by Arianna, Aaron, Ryan, and Alex!

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