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Inspect cabinet

You search your cabinet hoping for forgotten morsels. Peering past a stack of wheat rations and an old vial of salt and pushing back some forgotten potato sacks, you come upon a prize: a packet of golden cakes from the old world! Wrapped in an immortal translucent foil, these yellow ingots of sugar are capable of enduring for a millennium, persisting against rot and the atrophy of time.


You reach for the legendary confections but hesitate. You have tasted of these cakes before and know that they are truly delicious and nourishing. An adventurer could sustain himself on a case of these for a month. It is also said, however, that invincible particles within the cake endure in your stomach long after the main part of the cake has been consumed and excreted. If allowed to accumulate too long, it is believed that this excess could lead to a blocked stomach and an excruciating death by starvation.


Is it worth the risk?


* * *

An adventure brought to you by Arianna, Aaron, Ryan, and Alex!

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